David Mowat Sinclair Bronze Plaque

David Mowat SINCLAIRAge: 6418881952

David Mowat SINCLAIR
Given names
David Mowat
Birth April 6, 1888 31 32
Birth of a brotherGeorge SINCLAIR
about 1890 (Age 20 months)
Birth of a brotherAlexander SINCLAIR
about 1891 (Age 2)
Birth of a sisterBarbara SINCLAIR
about 1893 (Age 4)
Birth of a brotherRobert William SINCLAIR
about 1894 (Age 5)
Death of a paternal grandfatherGeorge SINCLAIR
July 22, 1895 (Age 7)
Birth of a sisterJane Reid SINCLAIR
about 1896 (Age 7)
Death of a maternal grandfatherDavid MOWAT
February 11, 1904 (Age 15)
Death of a maternal grandmotherJanet DUNNET
February 16, 1904 (Age 15)
Death of a sisterBarbara SINCLAIR
November 9, 1921 (Age 33)
Death of a fatherJohn SINCLAIR
June 12, 1941 (Age 53)
Death of a motherMargaret MOWAT
August 31, 1941 (Age 53)
Death of a sisterJessie SINCLAIR
April 16, 1942 (Age 54)
Death August 23, 1952 (Age 64)
Burial August 27, 1952 (4 days after death)
Globally unique identifier

Last change May 5, 201814:53:30

by: John Page
Family with parents - View family
Marriage: January 26, 1878Canisbay, Caithness
9 years
elder sister
4 years
younger brother
-10 years
elder sister
2 years
elder sister
4 years
elder brother
Birth: April 13, 1884 27 28Greenland, Dunnet, Caithness
Death: June 23, 1967Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada
4 years
David Mowat Sinclair Bronze PlaqueDavid Mowat SINCLAIR
Birth: April 6, 1888 31 32Todholes, Thurso, Caithness, Scotland
Death: August 23, 1952Eventide, Sandgate, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
4 years
younger brother
4 years
younger brother
younger sister
4 years
younger sister

Shared note
Born in 1888 at Lochend, Dunnet. Attended Canisbay School and worked on the land. Emigrated to Australia in 1909 aged 21. Worked for a Mr. Kettle in the Prairie and Quarantine Office in Rockhampton, North Queensland. In the First World War, joined the A.I.F.57 Battalion Cavalry, and was sent to France, from where he visited his family (in Noss at this time) on leave. He was wounded in France, and further hurt when his horse fell on top of him. He was repatriated to Australia in 1919 ,and became a patient in Rockhampton Hospital. In 1930, he was transferred to Goodwich? Hospital, and later transferred to Dunwich Hospital, which became Sandgate Eventide Home. He died there on 23/8/1952, aged 64. Buried in the War Memorial Section of "Lutwyche"(Brisbane City) Cemetery on 27/8/1952. Entry in Australian War Memorial Site Roll of Honour- No 736 Pte Sinclair,David Mowat,57th Battalion,enlisted 28/3/1917. Returned to Australia 2/1/1919. (Member of 14M Gun Coy.)
Media objectDavid Mowat Sinclair Bronze PlaqueDavid Mowat Sinclair Bronze Plaque
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,353 × 1,006 pixels
File size: 710 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: yes
Media objectDavid Mowat Sinclair Australian Imperial ForcesDavid Mowat Sinclair Australian Imperial Forces
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 325 × 657 pixels
File size: 92 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: yes