Annie MacDonald and George Sinclair and family

Annie MACDONALDAge: 7618971973

Given names
Married name
Birth about 1897 36 34
Birth of a sisterMargaret Barnie Jean MACDONALD
1901 (Age 4)
Birth of a brotherJames “Hamish” MACDONALD
about 1904 (Age 7)
Birth of a brotherSinclair MACDONALD
about 1906 (Age 9)

Death of a maternal grandmotherJean SUTHERLAND
May 26, 1912 (Age 15)
Death of a maternal grandfatherSamuel BARNETSON
September 16, 1912 (Age 15)
MarriageGeorge SINCLAIRView family
1913 (Age 16)

Death of a paternal grandmotherElizabeth HUNTER
November 30, 1916 (Age 19)
Death of a brotherJohn MACDONALD
April 27, 1918 (Age 21)
Death of a brotherAlexander Sinclair MACDONALD
May 4, 1921 (Age 24)
Death of a paternal grandfatherAlexander MACDONALD
June 11, 1924 (Age 27) Age: 89
Death of a motherJanet Morris BARNETSON
January 12, 1944 (Age 47)
Death of a fatherDavid Henderson MACDONALD
February 12, 1946 (Age 49)
Death of a brotherDavid MACDONALD
September 26, 1964 (Age 67)
Death of a husbandGeorge SINCLAIR
1967 (Age 70)

Death of a brotherSamuel Barnetson MACDONALD
December 21, 1968 (Age 71)
Death 1973 (Age 76)

Globally unique identifier

Last change June 19, 201922:15:49

by: Nancy Whyte
Family with parents - View family
Marriage: January 19, 1883Dunn, Watten, Caithness
5 years
elder brother
19 years
younger brother
-13 years
elder sister
10 years
younger sister
-16 years
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
4 years
elder brother
6 years
elder brother
3 years
8 years
younger brother
Family with George SINCLAIR - View family
Marriage: 1913

Media objectAnnie MacDonald and George Sinclair and familyAnnie MacDonald and George Sinclair and family
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 559 × 378 pixels
File size: 47 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: yes
Media objectGeorge Sinclair and Annie MacDonaldGeorge Sinclair and Annie MacDonald
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 318 × 481 pixels
File size: 125 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: yes